I have fallen off my own bandwagon so to speak, and I'm trying to climb back on it. I don't know if it's the weather or what, but I am L-A-Z-Y today. I do NOT want to workout, which I've skipped like 4 days, and should be on Day 10, but rather I'm still stuck on Day 7-- and will probably still be on Day 7 tomorrow at the rate I'm going. Oh and did I mention that for the past 2 nights my supper consisted of Chips, Salsa and Cheese Dip from 2 separate Mexican restaurants! (I'm addicted, and have no willpower when it comes to this food) I've decided to not beat myself up about it though. I'll just have to stay far far away from a Mexican Restaurant for a little while.
I haven't updated you all in a while, and this is because we went away this weekend. (Much needed time off) We had a concert to go to--go figure. This is what Scott and I do for fun, and a good concert is about the only thing that will get us out of the house lately! What concert did we go to you ask? Good Ol' Bob Seger!!! It was AWESOME! We were pretty much front and center. This weekend was one of the Best Weekends that we've had in a long time!
This is how close we were! (photo taken with iPhone)
Cleaning(wise) the house is still in order, my sink is Shiny, I've done my Weekly Home Blessing (for the most part) today, and I already do a Load of Laundry a Day to keep the chaos away (the one thing that has stuck with me from previous attempts with FlyLady. I do struggle, however, with FlyLady's concept of "getting dressed to shoes". I HATE shoes, and really do not like cleaning in my regular clothes. I need to try harder though. You see I have no set schedule, and this is what I need FlyLady to help me with. I need more structure. So tonight, I'm going to pick out my outfit for tomorrow, go to bed at a decent time, and wake up earlier than normal. I didn't wake up until 11:30 this morning. I'm ashamed to admit to this everyone, but hey, at least I'm being honest. I am going to set my alarm for 7 AM, and hope that this works out for me. Wish me luck!!! I'll need it! (I know I'm behind on my baby steps, but I am take REALLY slow baby steps to make sure they sink in and so I don't beat myself up too much)
Now, as for updating you all. I don't think it's going to be feasible for me to update you EVERYDAY on everything. So, I'm going to try to keep you updated every few days, or maybe once a week. I read a blog recently where this guy updates you once a week to ensure the BEST possible information is reaching everyone. He writes about the Paleo Lifestyle I am currently researching to see if this is a possible change that we can make and live by. I'm still not sure I'll be able to do it, *note* I LOVE CHEESE DIP! That's why I'm just reading up on it. Maybe I can have "cheat" days, and who knows...maybe even one day I won't even want to cheat at all! ahh we'll see. So, I still hope you'll follow along with me in this Journey called Life, because I have a LOOONNGG way to go.
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